Solano County remains at risk of a severeundercount in the 2020 census, especially those who are unsheltered, having a greater chance of being missed if they are not counted by the Census deadline in less than five days.
Right now, the Solano County self-response rate stands at 73.1 percent, increasing the urgency of an accurate Census data, says Census advocates.
COVID-19 has complicated the fight against the homeless in Solano County, requiring additional services and resources. Organizations working with those who are unsheltered say Solano County will more than likely see an increase in the unsheltered once the eviction moratorium lifts.
Enumerators are knocking on the doors of those who have not responded to the Census. However, according to K. Patrice Williams, founder of Hello Empower that provides education, resources, and partnerships to Solano communities, “The Census Bureau lacks the staff, resources, and time necessary to get these people counted. As a result, the task falls to the sober living environments, transitional homes, board and cares, shelters, homeless/unsheltered service providers, and community members to help our communities self-certify for the Census.”
In the absence of enough enumerators, those in the community who wish to join in the fight to help the unsheltered living in Solano County can email the Solano Census Hotline at with any questions. Or call the help desk at 707-560-1115, open 24 hours a day until Sept 30.
Hello Empower has Census T-shirts, masks, hand sanitizers, and gloves available for anyone who needs them.