Letters to the Editor

Rio Vista CARE is proud to announce the launching of their new website at riovistacare.org.This website will let the community know all about us and what our services are. We have included more updated resource links for your convenience and how to contact us more efficiently. We will also keep you up to date with what is happening at CARE. There is an additional ability to donate from our site. It is important to us to fully reach out to the community. In closing we would appreciate it if you could donate to other organizations that serve the community such as the Food Pantry at : riovistafoodpantry.org
​Thank you,
Doris Noriega

Dear Neighbors,There is a lot of talk about our mail-in ballots not being counted, not getting there in time to be counted, etc.  There is absolutely no reason to worry here in California.  The trick is to BE PREPARED! I am sure that most of you have already made up your mind as far as President, Senator, Congressman, State Senator and Assemblyman and maybe even County Supervisor.  But there is a lot more on the ballot!  There are 11 State Propositions.  11!  They are props 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ,20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25.  At the local level there are several people running for Major and for City Council and then there are also local Measures:  O and J or K.  The trick is to start doing your research now.  Do not just depend on viewing commercials on TV.  TV ads are weighted heavily in one direction or another.  Read a daily newspaper – articles, columns, and letters to the editor.  Get a rounded opinion.  THEN go on-line to www.Ballotpedia.org.  This site is totally bipartisan.  It will give you all of the information on every proposition and measure that you, as a Rio Vistan, will be expected on vote on. Then go to www.solanocounty.com and get bipartisan information on our local measures.  Your ballot will arrive around the first week of October.  If you are already prepared, you can fill out the ballot in minutes!  Then put it in the mail with plenty of time to spare.  If you don’t trust the mail (and there really isn’t any reason not to if you mail it on time), drop your ballot into a voter dropbox.  All ballot dropboxes are guarded at all times.  And don’t believe the rumors that mail-in votes are counted last.   Mail-in votes are counted the day they arrive in the mail.  You can, of course, vote in person or drop it in the box at your local precinct.   Just do not wait to get all of the information that you need to do a good job.  And don’t wait until the last minute.  And VOTE!
Elaine Schaefer

Dear Editor,

The Sierra Club is proud to announce our endorsement of Mayor Ronald Kott for re-election as Mayor of Rio Vista.  Mr. Kott displayed an acute understanding of the challenges face by our residents of Solano County.  In specific, Mayor Kott is working on the impacts of Climate Change, and most importantly for the County, Sea Level Rise.  This process will threaten the investments by all of our residents as well as our health and safety.Additionally, Mayor Kott understands the economic and social impacts of the Highway 37 process.  As a long-term member of Solano Transit Authority, he is working on big projects like this as well as local issues like increased bicycling and pedestrian friendly roadways.

As we see before our very eyes the damage caused by Climate Change, we believe that Mayor Kott has the understanding to do something about it.  We ask all Rio Vista Voters to join us and show support for Mayor Kott’s leadership and Vote Ronald Kott.

Let us all join Mayor Kott in developing a sustainable future for Rio Vista and Solano County.


Joe Feller

Chair, Solano Group, Sierra Club

Rich Lynn for Mayor!

It has been my honor to join Rich Lynn, walking to end racism. Now he is running for mayor! Is he a one issue candidate? No. Does he think we are racists here in Rio Vista? No, not in particular. In fact, our town has been deemed “friendliest city” by Reader’s Digest thanks to the initiative of Rich and the scores who have walked with him, including both fire and police chiefs.

          Mr. Lynn’s dedication and enthusiasm are infectious. His vision is in “full color,” where everyone has a voice and an ear, and where our differences are appreciated. His “can-do” attitude is born of experience, not false idealism. He is motivated to work 24/7 for us, as if his life depended on it. Lynn’s concerns are our concerns: health, safety, education, economic development and fiscal responsibility.

          A vote for Rich Lynn is a vote for hard work, vibrant community dialogue, an appreciation of tradition and history as well as creative new ideas.

Garen Patterson,