Rio Vista CA: Fireworks are illegal in certain areas of California because each year serious injuries and millions of dollars in property loss occur from wildfires sparked by fireworks. Large grass crops and dry vegetation increase the threat for devastating wildfires throughout all of California. Remember fireworks spark wildfire. In the City of Rio Vista aerial fireworks are illegal “Safe and Sane” fireworks are permitted. “Safe and Sane” fireworks are not a brand but are types of fireworks that include fountains, sparklers, smokeballs, snake-type fireworks, ground-spinning fireworks, pinwheels, most novelty fireworks, toy trick noisemakers, and some crackling items—basically anything that doesn’t leave the ground.
California has zero tolerance for the sale and use of illegal fireworks. Illegal fireworks include Skyrockets, Bottle rockets, Roman candles, Aerial shells, Firecrackers, Other fireworks that explode, go into the air, or move on the ground in an uncontrollable manner.
It is illegal to sell, transport, or use fireworks that do not carry the “Safe and Sane” seal, as well as possess or use fireworks in a community where they are not permitted. If convicted, a violator could be fined up to $50,000, as well as be sent to jail for up to one year.
There are nearly 300 California communities that allow “Safe and Sane” fireworks. The City of Rio Vista allows for the use of “Safe and Sane” fireworks on the July 4th only between the hours of 8 am and 11pm. It is illegal to display Safe and Sane fireworks outside of these hours. Parents are liable for any damage or injuries caused by their children using fireworks.
Office of State Fire Marshal requires the licensing of all pyrotechnic operators, fireworks manufacturers, importer-exporters, wholesalers, retailers, and public display companies.
Safety Tips
Always read directions, always have an adult present, only use fireworks outdoors, never use fireworks near dry grass or other flammable materials, light one firework at a time and have a bucket of water and a hose nearby. Never place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting the fuse, back up several feet immediately after lighting fireworks, never point or throw fireworks at another person, never experiment with fireworks, never attempt to re-light or “fix” fireworks, do not wear loose fitting clothing while lighting fireworks, never carry fireworks in your pockets, fireworks are not toys!!! Children should always be supervised.
If you follow these simple rules everyone will have an enjoyable 4th of July.