We would like to recognize residents for the excellent job they have done reducing water consumption since the state mandated water conservation ordinance. The baseline year is 2013, in which the City pumped a total of 821,403,000 gallons of water. 2014/2015 was the 1st year of the state water ordinance. Water consumption reduced by approximately 25% to 627,124,000 gallons. 2020 the total pumped water was 751,668,000. We are currently seeing an upward trend in water usage. Some is due to city growth; however, we would like to remind everyone the City water conservation ordinance is still in effect. The City and the State of California are in a drought.
The City facilities and most parks all have automatic sprinkler systems, and the City abides by the watering days in the ordinance by watering 3 days a week.
Staff understands numerous water wasting complaints have been filed with the state related to overwatering in Trilogy. The complaint process includes an online website where anyone can file an anonymous complaint. There is a link on the City Website called Report Water Waste (Anonymously) which takes you to the complaint form. The state then sends the complaints to the City. The City Public Works staff are attempting to meet with and educate residents related to proper programming of their automatic sprinkler system, watering day, and ensuring that overwatering does not cause water to run down the streets.
The Golf Course ponds at Trilogy are not filled with City potable water. Additionally, Trilogy has their own ag wells that are used to water the golf course. The city water ordinance does not apply to privately owned water sources.
The purpose of the ordinance is to further enhance the City’s ability to implement state water conservation requirements. The penalties for the waste of water and the procedures to impost such penalties are specified in Section 13.04.020.
Acts of waste of water include the following:
- No lawn/garden watering, or other outdoor water use, will be allowed between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm.
- Users with even-numbered street addresses shall use outdoor water only on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
- Users with odd-numbered street addresses shall use outdoor water only on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- No watering or outdoor use on Monday.
- Watering lawns or gardens such that excess water leaves the property or area being watered.
- Watering outdoor landscaping while raining, or within 48 hours after measurable rainfall.
- Washing vehicles, equipment or boats on days that do not coincide with irrigation days for the address where the vehicle is being washed or using an open hose which is not equipped with a shut-off nozzle.
- Hosing down driveways, streets, parking lots, and building exteriors.
- Having leaky faucets or plumbing fixtures on the premises.
- Having improper connections to the City water system or on-site faucets or hose bibs without a properly installed and maintained reduced pressure backflow devise to prevent contamination of the potable water supply (i.e. a RV may not connect to a residential faucet without a certified reduced pressure backflow device that is properly installed, maintained and annually inspected).
- Operating evaporated coolers which are not equipped with a recirculating pump.
- The use of potable water in a fountain or other decorative water feature, except where the water is part of a recirculation system.
- The irrigation with potable water of ornamental turf on public street medians.
- The irrigation with potable water of landscapes outside of newly constructed homes and buildings in a manner inconsistent with regulations or other requirements established by the California Building Standards Commission and the Department of Housing and Community Development.
- The washing of a car, boat, trailer, or other mobile equipment except at a commercial car wash, using only reclaimed water, or by using a bucket or a water-hose equipped with an automatic shutoff nozzle.
City of Rio Vista Water Violations Penalties:
- First Offense: Warning (typically a door hanger)
- Second Offense: $100
- Third Offense: $200
- Fourth Offense: $500
Public Works can be reached at 707-374-6451 x1106 for Beth or x1116 for Robin. If after business hours call 707-249-7510 for our on-call staff. Thank you in advanced for your understanding and patience.