A Message from Rio Vista City Staff about Measure K

Rio Vista voters will see “Measure K” on the upcoming election ballot. Measure K is a proposed 1% sales tax increase, which means if you spend $1.00 on taxable goods you would spend an additional penny. City staff has been working hard to provide residents with all the information they need to make an informed vote.

The more information we provide, the more questions we get asked – and that is a good thing!  Unfortunately, we cannot prevent information from being misconstrued or taken out of context.  Sadly, we are hearing some rumors based on misinformation, and while we don’t have the manpower to monitor and respond to every comment on Facebook and NextDoor, we hope that residents don’t take social media posts at face value and are sure to get the facts.

One of the rumors swirling in the community is that the City has mismanaged funds. We want to address that because the City’s Finance team deserves recognition for the great work they’ve done.

The City’s Finance Department has received:

All of this and they are now doing more with less! City Council approved a Finance Department reorganization in 2023, eliminating the Accounting Supervisor position and replacing with an Account Clerk position. This change was recommended by the Finance Director after her thoughtful review and analysis of operations, and reduced salary costs by about $80,000 per annum.

The current fiscal situation is not due to poor financial management – it’s because we’re not getting enough revenue. Rio Vista needs economic development. In 2014, the R/UDAT report identified branding as one of the first things needed to attract prospective investors in Rio Vista. In 2023, the City’s Economic Development Strategy Plan was completed by an expert consultant and once again branding was identified as the very first goal of many to begin strategic economic development.

We know it may be difficult to support the idea of spending money (while in a deficit) on branding, but economic development is needed and if we don’t spend money on branding first, we simply cannot get there.  Therefore, earlier this year, City Council approved a contract in the amount of $72,500 for Branding, Marketing, and Placemaking. This project is funded in part ($30,000) by federal American Rescue Plan Act funds identified for economic development. The rest ($42,500) from the Business Park Fund (designated by City Council to further the health, welfare, and economic vitality of the City). A brand is not just a logo – it’s a focused identity to build on, to attract businesses, to attract visitors to patronize Rio Vista businesses, to focus economic development efforts and incentives, and to generate the sustainable revenue we need to maintain infrastructure and public services.

If you’ve read this far, thank you!  Please visit the City’s website, give us a call, shoot us an email, or stop by City Hall if you have any questions or want more information.
